Empanada: Daring Bakers Challenge, Septembre 2012.

Working with yeast is always pleasure for me… Searching for new recipes, shapes, ideas…
This month`s Daring Bakers Challenge was to make Empanada, popular Spanish kind of pie made of yeasted dough with rich layer of filling. Patri from Asi Son La Cosas gave us this great task. I decied to use basic dough recipe that Patri gave us and to make some changes in filling. Empanada can be filled with so many different flavours, sweet or salty. Every time when you prepare it, it can be totally different…
In my version, I used canned tuna fish and a lot of vegetables. As a final touch I added just a little bit of chilli pepper. 
empanada 1




          400 g bread flour

          250 ml lukewarm water, approximately

          7 g dry yeast

          1 teaspoon salt

          30 ml vegetable oil

          1 egg, for egg wash


          2 big onions

          2 garlic cloves

          1 can (180 g) of tuna fish in salty water

          2 smaller or 1 bigger eggplants

          2 tomatoes

          2 red peppers

          approximately 100 ml olive oil

          chilli pepper, to taste

–     salt, pepper 


empanada 2


First, prepare dough.

Measure out all the ingredients. Put flour in a big bowl and add yeast and salt. Mix with wooden spoon and start adding water. In the beginning mix with wooden spoon and than continue mixing with your hands. When you form sticky ball of dough transfer it on lightly floured surface and knead the dough for ten minutes.


Clean and oil the big bowl you used for mixing and place the kneaded dough in it. Cover it with a napkin or piece of linen and keep it in a warm, draught-free place for approximately 40 to 50 minutes or until doubled in volume.

While you wait for dough to rise prepare filling because it should be cold when used.

Heat oil in a large pan. Add finely chopped onions and garlic and fry it until vegetables are soft. Add finely chopped peppers and after several minutes add chopped eggplant. Cook this mixture for about 10 – 15 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes and cook more until juices evaporate. In cooked filling add tuna fish and mix well. In the end add salt, pepper, chilli pepper to your taste.

Leave filling to cool.

Once risen, turn the dough back into a floured counter and cut it in half. Cover one half with the napkin to prevent drying.

Spread the other half of dough using a rolling pin. Depending on the shape of your oven pan or cookie sheet, you will make a rectangle or a round.

 Lightly flour or line with wax paper your pan or tray. Cover the base and sides with the dough. Using the rolling pin or a knife, cut the extra dough.

Place the filling, making sure it is cold and that all the base is covered. Using a hot filling will make the bottom layer of the empanada become soggy. Be careful to avoid adding too much oil from the filling, try to make it as “dry” as possible.

 Take the other half of the dough and spread it out to the same or less thinness of the base. Using your fingers, join bottom and top dough, when you have gone all the way around, start pinching top and bottom together with your thumb and index finger and turning them half way in, that way you end up with a rope-like border. When you are finished, make a 2.5 cm hole in the middle of the top layer. This will help hot air exit the empanada while it’s baking without breaking the cover.

You can use left-over dough to decorate the empanada. Using a fork, prick the top layer or, using scissors, make snips that go all the way through the top layer. In a small bowl, beat an egg and add a tbsp of cold water. With the pastry brush, paint the top of the empanada with the egg wash.

Heat the oven to 180C. When heated put the empanada in and  bake for about 45 minutes. Check that the bottom part is done.

Svi već znate koliko volim raditi sa dizanim testom i koliko se radujem novim varijacijama na temu. Zato sam se i obradovala ovomesečnom zadatku u okviru grupe Daring Bakers. Patri sa bloga Asi Son La Cosas  nam je rekla da napravimo Empanadu. Empanada je popularno špansko jelo tj. vrsta pite koja se pravi od dizanog testa sa bogatim slojem fila izmedju. Fil moze biti bilo šta, slano ili slatko. Često se filuje sa mesom ili ribom, a slatka verzija je najčešće sa jabukama.
Ja sam koristila osnovni recept za testo koji nam je Patri dala, a fil sam napravila prema našem ukusu.



 – 400 g brašna

 – oko 250 ml mlake vode

 – 7 g suvog kvasca

 – 1 kašičica soli

 – 30 ml ulja

 – 1 jaje, za premazivanje


 – 2 glavice luka

 – 2 čena belog luka

 – 1 konzerva (180 g) tunjevine u salamuri

 – 2 manja ili 1 veći patlidžan

 – 2 paradajza

 – 2 paprike

 – oko 100 ml maslinovog ulja

 –  so, biber po ukusu

 – po želji, malo čilija

empanada 3


Najpre umesite testo.

Odmerite sve sastojke pa sipajte brašno u veliku činiju. Dodajte suvi kvasac i so i izmešajte. Ja sam dodala i kašičicu šećera da kvasac bolje proradi. Postepeno počnite dodavati vodu. Najpre mešajte varjačom, pa nastavite rukama. Kad se formira lepljiva lopta testa, prebacite ju na pobrašnjenu radnu površinu i mesite testo 10ak minuta.

Očistite i premažite uljem plastičnu vanglu u kojoj je bilo brašno (ili novu) i u nju stavite kuglu testa. Prekrijte krpom i ostavite na toplom mestu 40 – 50 minuta da izrasta (dok ne udvostruči zapreminu).

Dok čekate da testo izraste pripremite fil. Fil mora biti hladan kad budete sastavljali empanadu.

U velikom tiganju zagrejte ulje. Dodajte sitno seckan crni i beli luk i dinstajte dok malo ne omekša i postane staklast. Dodajte sitno seckanu papriku, a nakon nekoliko minuta i sitno seckan patlidzan. (Ako je patlidzan mlad ne morate ga prethodno soliti da so izvuče gorčinu. Ako je stariji, uradite to.) Sve zajedno dinstajte još 10 minuta dok povrće ne omekša. Dodajte i seckan paradajz i dinstajte još malo da ispare sokovi. Na kraju dodajte tunjevinu i dobro promešajte. Posolite i pobiberite po ukusu, a po želji dodajte i čili. Ostavite fil da se skroz ohladi.

Izašlo testo prebacite na pobrašnjenu podlogu, lagano ga pritisnite i podelite na dva dela. Jedan deo prekrijte čistom krpom da se ne suši, a drugi deo razvijte oklagijom na 3 – 5 mm debljine. Oblik izaberite po želji. Razvijeno testo prebacite na pleh obložen papirom za pečenje ili samo pobrašnjen. Ako imate višaka testa odsecite ih.

Preko razvijenog testa nanesite fil u bogatom sloju. Ostavite oko 2 cm do ivica testa.

Razvijte drugu polovinu testa u istom obliku i dimenzijama pa ju pažljivo stavite preko fila. Popravite ivice gornjeg i donjeg sloja testa pa pritiskajući prstima pređite okolo pite da slepite krajeve testa. Kad ste to uradili, pređite još jednom zavrćuči testo pomoću palca i kažiprsrta  da biste dobili ukrasnu borduru.

Na sredini empanade napravite rupu prečnika 2.5 cm kroz koju će izlaziti vreo vazduh. Od ostataka testa napravite ukrase i poređajte ih po površini.

Za premaz pomešajte jaje sa kašikom hladne vode i ovim premažite površinu pite. Izbockajte empanadu viljuškom i ostavite da izrasta dok se ne zagreje rerna.

Uključite rernu na 180C. Kad se zagreje stavite empanadu i pecite oko 45 minuta.

Verzija za štampu.

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